
Photo de vaches laitières

Alinova offers a nutritional range tailored to ruminants, with a personalised service for each of our customer partners, in order to:

  • Develop formulas that meet precise physiological needs at each stage of production.
  • Strategy for reducing use of medication in livestock farming.
  • Track the launchmarketing and sales development of your range by carrying out quarterly or half-yearly steering committee meetings, as you see fit, attended by the full technical team.

To help you understand how a nutritional range is launched, Alinova can develop species-specific nutrition programme for you. This nutritional guide is especially appreciated by our customers’ new hires.

Product Applications...

RVIVA : Stimulate the immune status of herds during the winter period. Winter chills, stress. Available in powder and liquid formats.

ALGINEO : An original precursor made using plant glycerol, plant extracts, algae extracts and marine sugars, helping to prevent the risk of acetonemia at the beginning of lactation.

METANOVA : Made up of aromatic compounds (HE and tannins), Metanova boasts a spectrum of metabolic action to combat enteric methane in cows while improving the dairy performance of the herd.

RUMILIVER : Hepatoprotectant containing methionine and protected for a safe supplementation of lipotropic factors that break down fats. Detoxifying effect.

RHEPABOV : Hepatoprotectant liquid that can be used with a dosing pump system. Ideal for farmers who prefer mineral supplementation through liquids.

RTAN : Nutritional supplement to enhance uptake of soluble nitrogen from young grass. Enriched with plant-based tannins, Rtan is designed to make dietary protein fractions more digestible, to improve dairy performance with rations rich in soluble nitrogen from preserved fodder and grazing.

RDIGEST : Activation of the ruminal microbiome, containing fibres rich in natural enzymes combined with a yeast mix, aiding the break-down of fodder. Prevents the risk of acidosis by optimally maintaining the acidity of the rumen.



Pediplasme bath is a formaldehyde- and heavy metal-free hoof hygiene solution, containing a mixture of organic acids, and nothing more.

The solution brought to you by Alinova effectively combats Mortelllaro’s disease.

Pediplasme can be applied in two different ways:

  • Footbath: 5% solution
  • Spray

A specific need